Conferences abstracts
Abstracts in conferences
Remírez, M., Gilleaudeau, G.J., Sahoo, S.K., Kaufman, A.J., Algeo, T.J., Elrick, M., 2023. Beyond evaporites: Hypersaline conditions in ancient epeiric seas. 36th IAS International Meeting of Sedimentology. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Schwarz, E., Remírez, M., Veiga, G., Isla, M., 2023. Large-scale reconstruction of the Early Cretaceous Neuquen Sea (SW Gondwana): unraveling key parameters for characterization and classification of epeiric seas. 36th IAS International Meeting of Sedimentology. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Gilleaudeau, G. Wei, W., Remírez, M., Song, Y., Lyons, T., Bates, S., Anbar, A., Algeo, T., 2023. Spatiotemporal watermass evolution in the Late Devonian Appalachian Seaway: Exploring the link between sedimentation, redox, and salinity. GSA Joint Southeastern & Northeastern Section Meeting. Reston, Virginia, USA.
Remírez, M., Gilleaudeau, G., Lau, C., Elrick, M., Algeo, T., 2022. Tracing anoxic events across mud-dominated epicontinental seas during the Middle to Upper Devonian in the Illinois Basin, North America. 21st International Sedimentological Congress. Beijing, China (virtual).
*Tagle, N., Remírez, M., Cherry, L., Kaufman, A., Burls, N., Gilleaudeau, G., 2022. Nitrogen isotope constraints on redox conditions in the North Pacific Ocean during the Warm Pliocene Epoch. GSA Joint 56th Annual North-Central & 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Algeo, T., Wei, W., Song, Y., Liu, J., Remírez, M., Xie, S., Gilleaudeau, G., Herrman, A., 2022. The importance of salinity analysis in paleoenvironmental studies. GSA Joint 56th Annual North-Central & 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Rutledge, R., Gilleaudeau, G., Remírez, M., Algeo, T., 2022. Redox gradients recorded in Lower Mississippian black shales of the Appalachian and Williston basins, North America: A test case for uranium isotope behavior. GSA Joint 56th Annual North-Central & 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
*Lau, C., Remírez, M., Cherry, L., Kaufman, Al., Gilleaudeau, G., 2022. Carbon cycle perturbations at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (~372 million years ago) in the Illinois Basin, USA. GSA Joint 56th Annual North-Central & 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Gilleaudeau, G.; Wei, W., Remírez, M., Lyons, T., Bates, S., Anbar, A., Algeo, T., 2022. Watermass reconstruction in ancient epeiric seas: Redox and salinity analysis of Devonian-Mississippian black shales of the Appalachian Basin, North America. GSA Joint 56th Annual North-Central & 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Remírez, M., Gilleaudeau, Geoffrey J., Elrick, M., Algeo, T\., 2022. Temporal and spatial evolution of the watermasses during the deposition of organic-rich shales of the Middle to Upper Devonian of the Illinois Basin, North America. GSA Joint 56th Annual North-Central & 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
*Orzanco, J., Remírez, M., Gómez Dacal, A., 2021. Controles en la acumulación y preservación de la materia orgánica en el sector distal del sistema mixto silicoclástico-carbonático del Miembro Agua de la Mula, Formación Agrio, Cuenca Neuquina. XVII Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología. Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina.
Remírez, M., Schwarz, E., Lescano, M., Isla, M., Gómez Peral, L., Spalletti, L., 2021. Depósitos de grano fino distales en sistemas marinos mixtos siliciclástico-carbonáticos: origen del fango e implicancias en los procesos de mezcla. XVII Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología. Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina (virtual).
Remírez, M., Shen, J., Algeo, T., Wei, W., Gilleaudeau, G., 2021. Elemental paleosalinity proxies demonstrate freshwater conditions in Triassic-Jurassic boundary strata previously assumed to be marine (Arroyo Malo Formation, Argentina). 133rdGSA Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA.
Algeo, T., Wei, W., Gilleaudeau, G., Song, Y., Remírez, M., 2020. Elemental proxies for salinity analysis of ancient shales and mudstones: Update and case studies. 132nd GSA Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Spalletti, L., Remírez, M., Sagasti, G., 2018. Geoquímica, procesos depositacionales y geometrías sísmicas de la Formación Vaca Muerta (Neuquén): implicancias y controles. XVI Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina.
Remírez, M., Algeo, T., 2018. Studies of the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary in Argentina: a review and prospective. 130th Annual Meeting Geological Society of America. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Álvarez, J., Remírez, M., Pierrard, M., 2017. Análisis del impacto de la composición geoquímica en el comportamiento mecánico de las rocas de grano fino. XX Congreso Geológico Argentino. San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Lazo, D., Remírez, M., Schwarz, E., Thuy, B., 2017. Taphonomy of brittle stars associated with a tempestite bed from the Lower Cretaceous Agrio Formation of the Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. 8th International Meeting of Taphonomy and Fossilization (Taphos). Vienna, Austria.
Remírez, M., Spalletti, L., 2017. Geochemical characterization of offshore deposits in a mixed siliciclastic carbonate marine ramp. 33rd IAS – 16th ASF International Meeting of Sedimentology. Toulouse, Francia.
Caramés, A., Adamonis, S., Remírez, M., Barbé, M., Concheyro, A., 2016. Novedoso hallazgo de escleritos de equinoideos regulares en sedimentitas del Miembro Pilmatué, Formación Agrio (Valanginiano superior – Hauteriviano inferior), Cuenca Neuquina. XI Congreso de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina.
Sagasti, G., Remírez, M., Spalletti, L., 2015. Relationships between depositional processes, geochemichal signatures and seismic geometries in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Annual Convention and Exhibition, American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Denver, Colorado, USA.
*denotes student presentation